Introducing Dr. Gladys Atto 

Dr. Gladys Atto is a dedicated ophthalmologist and the first to be deployed to serve the entire Karamoja region in Uganda. As the Head of the Ophthalmology Department at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital, she oversees eye care across nine districts in the region. She has …

Austin’s Glow Story

One day, the sun shone through the living room window directly onto Austin’s 4-year-old face.  With the light hitting his eye in just the right way, a friend noticed she could “see through” Austin’s eye when looking at him from the side.  I too noticed …

Ethan’s Glow Story

My name is Ethan Yan, and I am a 15-year-old who was diagnosed with RB at 2 years old and want to share my Glow story. Shortly past my second birthday, I had just completed my two-year checkup with my pediatrician, and as any parent …