Austn’s Glow Story

One day, the sun shone through the living room window directly onto Austin’s 4-year-old face.  With the light hitting his eye in just the right way, a friend noticed she could “see through” Austin’s eye when looking at him from the side.  I too noticed …

Hannah’s Glow Story

Our journey began in 2020, when Hannah was an infant and the world was going crazy managing a pandemic. Day care centers were closed, I was working remote, and well child visits were being done virtually. One day, when Hannah was about 10 months old, …

Wes’s Glow Story

When Wes was just two years old, his mother noticed an unusual glow in flash photos of her son. Concerned by what she saw, she brought it to the attention of their pediatrician, who dismissed it as nothing alarming. However, trusting her instincts, Wes’ mother …

Isabelle’s Glow Story

Isabelle’s retinoblastoma journey, written by her mother Jeannie Isabelle (Izzy) began life 100% healthy. She was thriving and hit every developmental milestone.  The tests given at her pediatric visits were all normal, even a red eye reflex exam that was administered at her one year …

סיפור הזוהר של איתן

My name is Ethan Yan, and I am a 15-year-old who was diagnosed with RB at 2 years old and want to share my Glow story. Shortly past my second birthday, I had just completed my two-year checkup with my pediatrician, and as any parent …

Nate’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Kait Weber was well aware of Retinoblastoma (RB), a rare cancer that can develop in the back of the eyes of children.  Her maternal aunt sadly had passed away at just 4 years of age after a long battle with RB. Her mother …

Clelia’s Glow Story

Story in English – Clelia’s Retinoblastoma as told by her mother: Clelia was born in Naples, Italy on a very hot night in June of 2022.  To this day I remember how beautiful her eyes were, they were as blue as the sea and the …

Benny’s Glow Story

When Bennett (Benny) was just three months old, his mother, Sarah, noticed that he would not turn his head to the left.  More than this, his movements seemed a bit abnormal, she describes them as “jerky”.   These two symptoms were enough for Sarah to …

Michael Omotayo’s Glow Story

In a world where challenges can often define us, Michael Omotayo stands as a beacon of resilience and empowerment. From a young age, Michael has faced and conquered obstacles, shaping his experiences into lessons that inspire others to persevere and thrive. As a personal trainer …