Battling Retinoblastoma with Faith and Resilience. In a world where early diagnosis can mean the difference between life and death, Joy Marangu’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, faith, and the importance of raising awareness about rare medical conditions. Her daughter’s battle …
Grace’s Glow Story
Kanteera and her husband, Erwin, were thrilled to welcome their first born to the world in January of 2023. Their little girl, Grace, was born completely healthy and without complication. The first few months of Grace’s life she hit every developmental milestone and was thriving. …
Introducing Dr. Gladys Atto
Dr. Gladys Atto is a dedicated ophthalmologist and the first to be deployed to serve the entire Karamoja region in Uganda. As the Head of the Ophthalmology Department at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital, she oversees eye care across nine districts in the region. She has …
Samuel’s Glow story
as written by his mother, Amanda Devaney Samuel was a very healthy little boy, never having as much as an ear infection for the first three years of his life. But one day right before Christmas of 2022, his father and I began to notice …
Harmonee’s Retinoblastoma Journey,
written by her mother, Randi For the first two years of Harmonee’s life in Dassel, Minnesota, she was the picture of health. She met all of her milestones and had a healthy exam at every well check. She had a thorough two year check in …
Austin’s Glow Story
One day, the sun shone through the living room window directly onto Austin’s 4-year-old face. With the light hitting his eye in just the right way, a friend noticed she could “see through” Austin’s eye when looking at him from the side. I too noticed …
Liz and Aria’s RB Survival Stories
In 2002, when Liz Nagel was just six months old, her mother and family began to notice something strange in the photos taken of her daughter. Liz’s left pupil had a strange reflection, almost a glow. After months of it not going away, her mom …
Hannah’s Glow Story
Our journey began in 2020, when Hannah was an infant and the world was going crazy managing a pandemic. Day care centers were closed, I was working remote, and well child visits were being done virtually. One day, when Hannah was about 10 months old, …
Wes’s Glow Story
When Wes was just two years old, his mother noticed an unusual glow in flash photos of her son. Concerned by what she saw, she brought it to the attention of their pediatrician, who dismissed it as nothing alarming. However, trusting her instincts, Wes’ mother …
Isabelle’s Glow Story
Isabelle’s retinoblastoma journey, written by her mother Jeannie Isabelle (Izzy) began life 100% healthy. She was thriving and hit every developmental milestone. The tests given at her pediatric visits were all normal, even a red eye reflex exam that was administered at her one year …