Jake’s Glow Story

Jake’s JourneyJake was quite likely born with retinoblastoma. His mother,Janice, took him to several doctors because Jake’s eyes wouldoften cross as an infant. The pediatricians told her that without abridge on his nose infants often cross their eyes. When he wasstill crawling, he often crashed …

Siddharta’s Glow Story

My name is Siddharta. Siddharta is the childhood name of the Buddhist God Goutam Buddha. My father gave my name after inspiring the life from Goutam Buddha. I was grown up with my family and when I was 3 God blessed with another member of …

Tamara’s Glow Story

Nasa prica je pocela sasvim slucajno, u 03. mjesecu 2022. nas mlađi sin je ozlijedio oko u igri. Kad se smirio htjela sam ga potaknuti da otvori oko pa sam rekla Tamari da mu pokaze kako jedno oko zatvori, a na drugo gleda i da …

Bruce’s Glow Story

KnowTheGlow was delighted to speak with Bruce Horak, an adult RB survivor and an accomplished artist and entertainer who has refused to let anything get in his way! Despite having only 9% of vision in his remaining eye, Bruce has worked in theater for over …

Luca’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma We first noticed a “cloudiness” in Luca’s right eye in November or December of 2021. He was about 10 months old at the time and has blue eyes, so we thought it had to do with that and really didn’t think anything of …

Lucas’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: PFV Kaitlin had a feeling that Lucas was going to change her life when he refused to turn from the breech position, and she had to have a cesarean section. When he finally entered the world, he weighed in at a whopping 11 pounds!  …

Jakov’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: PHPV Jakov was born on January 13, 2022 and was discharged from the maternity ward as a perfectly healthy newborn. But, like any mother, Nikolina soon noticed that the left eye of her baby was not the same as the right eye, and that …

Ryu’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Ryu is only ten years old but has already fought a battle most will never face in a lifetime. When Ryu was only six months old his mother, Agatha, sensed there was something not quite right. Ryu’s left eye would periodically drift. Agatha …

Cody’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Bilateral Cataracts & Bilateral PHPV When Cody was two months old Ana noticed something was not right with her son, Cody’s, eye. It looked a little smaller than his left eye and when she took a flash photo of him for a passport to …

Julia’s Glow Story

Carme Julià Ferré, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at la Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain  is the extraordinary mother of two beautiful daughters, Anna and Julia. When Julia was eight months old, she was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma. Fortunately …