Câu chuyện ánh sáng của Grace

Kanteera and her husband, Erwin, were thrilled to welcome their first born to the world in January of 2023.  Their little girl, Grace, was born completely healthy and without complication.  The first few months of Grace’s life she hit every developmental milestone and was thriving.  …

Samuel’s Glow story

as written by his mother, Amanda Devaney Samuel was a very healthy little boy, never having as much as an ear infection for the first three years of his life.  But one day right before Christmas of 2022, his father and I began to notice …

Introducing Dr. Wirtu and Dr. Tadegegn

In Ethiopia, a strong partnership is forming between local healthcare professionals and KnowTheGlow (KTG).  KTG Co-Founder, Megan Webber, was excited to be contacted by Dr. Roby Dessalegn Wirtu, a second-year pediatric ophthalmology resident at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College in Addis Ababa. Dr. Dessalegn …

Hannah’s Glow Story

Our journey began in 2020, when Hannah was an infant and the world was going crazy managing a pandemic. Day care centers were closed, I was working remote, and well child visits were being done virtually. One day, when Hannah was about 10 months old, …

Introducing Kyle Coon, Paralympian and Author

In early September, just weeks after returning to Colorado Springs, Colorado, from competing in his second Paralympic Games in Paris, paratriathlete Kyle Coon was contacted by Megan Webber, Co-Founder of Know the Glow (KTG), and Helene Dameris, KTG’s Director of Global Outreach. Inspired by his …

Wes’s Glow Story

When Wes was just two years old, his mother noticed an unusual glow in flash photos of her son. Concerned by what she saw, she brought it to the attention of their pediatrician, who dismissed it as nothing alarming. However, trusting her instincts, Wes’ mother …

Isabelle’s Glow Story

Isabelle’s retinoblastoma journey, written by her mother Jeannie Isabelle (Izzy) began life 100% healthy. She was thriving and hit every developmental milestone.  The tests given at her pediatric visits were all normal, even a red eye reflex exam that was administered at her one year …