Diagnosis: Coats Disease Annie and her husband, Alain say that their now ten-year-old son Maxim is very inquisitive about life. He is a deep thinker, an investigator and a bit of a young scientist. So when Maxim came to Annie at the age of eight …
Noa’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats Disease Ana Sebrek is no different than any other mother trying to protect her child. “If I could bubble wrap my son, plus goggles and plus a helmet, I would!” she told Megan Webber, Co-Founder of KnowTheGlow. As Megan has learned from speaking …
Eli’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats’ Disease When Eli was just seven months old he began to exhibit persistent high fevers. These fevers became very alarming to his parents, Christina and Shawn Gill. They were common and could reach as high as 107 degrees! Eli was also sleeping …
Câu chuyện ánh sáng của Joey
Chẩn đoán: Bệnh Coats Vào tháng 12 năm 2020, Mike và Pam đã đưa con trai Joey của họ đi thăm tốt sáu năm. Trong quá trình kiểm tra, bác sĩ nhận thấy rằng Joey có thể cần kính và gửi chúng đến gặp bác sĩ nhãn khoa. Không hoảng hốt trước tin tức này, gia đình đã chờ đợi ...
Câu chuyện phát sáng của Rifqi
Chẩn đoán: Bệnh Coats Nurul và Rifqi sống ở Jakarta ở Indonesia xinh đẹp. Nurul nói rằng con trai cô Rifqi là một cậu bé rất năng động, sáng tạo và tò mò. Lớn lên ở Indonesia, Rifqi thích dành thời gian chơi trò chơi điện tử, vẽ anime và tạo ra siêu anh hùng của riêng mình ...
Cameron’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats’ Disease Maggie remembers the very first time she saw “the Glow” in her three year old son, Cameron’s, eye. She was in a dimly lit room giving him a bath. He looked up at her and for a second she noticed a flash in …
Superhero Diaz’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats’ Disease It all started back in 2004, when my son Diaz was 4 years old. He was playing with his cousins at my sister’s house and my sister noticed that he was squinting. I didn’t think much about it and scheduled an appointment at …
Ethan’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats’ Disease This picture. THIS PICTURE! If only I had known about “the glow” when I took this picture. We had just changed the lighting in our living room the morning I took pictures for our family Christmas cards. Why does Ethan’s eye have this …
Miguel’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats’ Disease Tina had no idea about any dangerous eye conditions in children nor did she know about the “glow” (leukocoria) until she posted a video and picture of her son, Miguel, on her Facebook page back in March of 2016. Her close friend messaged …
Izayah’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Coats’ Disease Samantha and her husband Luis decided to take their young family on a trip last May. Their youngest child, Izayah, was almost 1 1/2 years old. Samantha took many photos of her children and proudly shared them on Instagram and Facebook. Shortly after …