World Retinoblastoma Week

According to the National Eye Institute (NEI), May is Healthy Vision Month! This May, we focus on how important healthy vision is and how it’s up to everyone to take care of their own and their children’s eyes.

Our mission at Know The Glow is to spread knowledge and empower parents to protect their children’s eyesight, especially from the 20 different eye conditions and diseases that are associated with “the Glow,” a yellow-white reflection in the pupil of a child’s eye.

Part of our mission is general eye-health because healthy eyes make for happy lives! This month and beyond, “keep your eye on” these recommendations and suggestions from the National Eye Institute on making sure you and your loved ones have happy, healthy eyes for years to come.

Schedule regular eye exams
It can be easy to overlook the importance of eye exams, especially if your kids appear to have healthy vision. But children can unconsciously compensate for poor or reduced vision! A great way to keep your kids’ eyes healthy is through regular eye exams.

Know your family’s eye heath history
Some eye diseases and conditions are genetically-linked. “Glow”-related diseases like Retinoblastoma and Norrie Disease can be caused by genetics. For example, researchers estimate that one-third of all Retinoblastoma cases are hereditary. In hereditary Retinoblastoma cases, there is an increased risk that they will pass the gene mutation on to their children. Knowing if you are genetically predisposed to eye diseases can help you be vigilant!

Protect your eyes
Prevent sports-related injuries by wearing sport-goggles! The NEI reports that someone with a sport-related eye injury goes to the ER every 15 minutes. Don’t let that be you or your children!

Wear sunglasses
Protecting yours and your children’s eyes from UV rays with the proper sunglasses is crucial. UV rays can cause serious and long-lasting damage.

Pile your plates with eye-healthy food!
Instill your family with a love of eye-healthy food that will give them strong and healthy eyes by incorporating carrots and lots of dark, leafy-green vegetables, like spinach or kale, into your diet.

Look out for “the Glow”!
The “Glow” is a yellow-white reflection in the pupil of a child’s eye that could be a sign of 20 different eye conditions and diseases. See it once, be alert! See it twice, take action and visit the doctor! If you can, bring a photo of “the Glow” to your doctor.

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