Julia’s Glow Story

Carme Julià Ferré, a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at la Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain  is the extraordinary mother of two beautiful daughters, Anna and Julia. When Julia was eight months old, she was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma. Fortunately …

Isla’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Our daughter, Isla was diagnosed with bilateral heritable Retinoblastoma at 10 weeks of age. I first mentioned Isla’s eyes to our pediatrician while still in hospital after giving birth. I was worried the way her eyes were tracking seemed irregular and she often …

Kinley’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Kelly Morton developed a strabismus (lazy eye) at a young age. She was treated with patching therapy for over a year and wore glasses to correct her misalignment.  These measures were a complete success and she had no further visual issues. Later in …

Rocky’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma I would like to introduce our story with a little background.  I am a 38-year-old retinoblastoma survivor. In 1984, my mom was able to capture the glow in my right eye with flash photography.  This Glow led her to discover my cancer, and …

Thea’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma My name is Jonathan Smith.  My family and I live in Brisbane, Australia.  I am the proud father of a Retinoblastoma warrior – Theadora. I am honored to be invited by “Know the Glow” to share our story, especially because the information provided …

Eleanor’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Our journey is one of perspective, persistence, hope and gratitude. This is our story. Our first child, Eloise, was born in October of 2013 – a tiny bundle who loved to be swaddled and rocked. Just after her first birthday, we began noticing …

Rachel Mayta’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma ​​We at Know the Glow had the pleasure of speaking with Rachel Mayta.  Rachel is a 31 year old Retinoblastoma survivor who bursts with energy, joy and positivity.  She is bound and determined to reach others who are navigating the world with one …

Ammiel’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma When my son, Ammiel was just three months old, I noticed that there was a transparent white film on his right pupil.  Around the same time, I noticed a glow in his eye in the sunlight when he was outside of our house.  …

Jasen’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma ​​The first time Wendy saw the “flash” in her son Jasen’s eye, she thought she may have imagined it.  Jasen was just three months old and as Wendy laid him on the bed to change his clothing, the light hit his eye at …

Grace’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma In 2004, when Grace was almost five months old, we were at my parents house preparing for my brother’s wedding. While changing Grace on the bed under the light, I noticed her left pupil did not look right. It looked almost translucent, rather …