La historia de Izayah

Diagnóstico: Enfermedad de Coats Samantha y su marido Luis decidieron llevar a su joven familia de viaje el pasado mes de mayo. Su hija menor, Izayah, tenía casi un año y medio. Samantha tomó muchas fotos de sus hijos y las compartió con orgullo en Instagram y Facebook. Poco después ...

Shane’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma  Shane was born in Los Angeles, CA on October 25th, 2000.   He was five weeks early and stayed in the NICU for five days. When his parents, Dawn and Joe, brought Shane home, they noticed that he appeared to be uncomfortable. After multiple …

Ryan’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Coloboma Krista gave birth to her fifth child, Ryan, in May of 2018.   Ryan was born full term and was a very healthy baby but at three months of age, Krista started to worry that Ryan may have an issue with his vision. Around August …

Isabella’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Amblyopia  In the first few months of Isabella’s life, her mother, Jessica, noticed that her eyes would sometimes not track together. Jessica knew that this was perfectly normal for a newborn and did not give it much thought. However, by the time Isabella was 8 …

La historia de Kaydn

Diagnóstico: Enfermedad de Coats Manda y su marido Bryan dieron la bienvenida al mundo a su cuarto hijo, Kaydn, en mayo de 2018. Kaydn nació seis semanas antes de tiempo y pasó sus primeros nueve días en la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales en Sioux Falls SD. A pesar de haber nacido prematuro, ...

La historia de Jake

Diagnóstico: Enfermedad de Coats Christina cuenta que durante los primeros años de vida de Jake, éste era muy sensible a la luz. No le dio mucha importancia a esta sensibilidad en su hijo, ya que era muy pequeño y pensó que la sensibilidad a la luz sería normal. Cuando Jake ...

Gabriel’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Yesenia will tell you that her son, Gabriel, is her favorite superhero.   Gabriel was born a very healthy little boy. For the first year of his life, Yesenia and her husband had no concerns about his physical well-being.  However, just a few months …

La historia de Grant

Diagnóstico: Enfermedad de Coats Melissa y su marido se dieron cuenta de que su hijo, Grant, empezó a desarrollar un ojo desviado cuando tenía unos tres años. Con el tiempo, esta desalineación se hizo cada vez más notable. Preocupados, empezaron a buscar un médico cercano para que lo revisara...

Mikaela’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Amblyopia Elizabeth saw a story on her Facebook page that grabbed her attention. It was about a little girl who had “the Glow” in the pupil of her eye in her flash photos. She read that “the Glow” could be an indication of a rare form …

Poppy’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma On a Friday in August, when Poppy was 4 months old, we went to the pediatrician’s office for a well check. It was not our regular pediatrician but I voiced our concerns about the strange “cat-like reflex” that we kept seeing at different angles, …