Glow of the Month: Refractive Error

What is Refractive Error? According to the National Eye Institute, refractive errors occur when the shape of the eye does not bend light correctly, preventing light from focusing on the retina. This results in blurry vision in either adults or young children. Refractive error is …

Glowing Eyes in Holiday Photos

What a Glowing White Pupil Means for your Child’s Vision More photos are likely to be discovered with “The Glow” during the holidays than any other time of year. Every year, parents discover a glow in holiday photos and use these photos to save the …

Glow of the Month: Congenital Cataracts

December’s “Glow of the Month” is congenital cataracts, which are present in impacted children’s eyes at birth. Abnormal lens development during pregnancy may result in congenital cataracts. Genetic disorders, infection and trauma are all factors that can contribute to abnormal lens development. What Are Cataracts? …

What Do Cloudy Eyes Mean?

Cloudy Eye Causes Cloudy eyes refers to cloudy or opaqueness on the surface of the eye. If your child appears to have cloudy eyes, his or her vision may be impacted. Cloudy eyes are caused by a change in the lens of the eye, making …

Glow of the Month: Amblyopia

November’s “Glow of the Month” is amblyopia. According to the National Eye Institute, “Amblyopia is the medical term used when the vision in one of the eyes is reduced because the eye and the brain are not working together properly.”  When one eye develops good …

Kara Ciocca

Kara Ciocca has an intimate relationship to the Know The Glow campaign.  As Megan Webber’s sister and Aunt to Benjamin Webber, Kara was the first to notice the Glow in Benjamin’s eye after finding it in photos she’d taken during a family vacation.  Kara had …

[:en]Glow of the Month: Retinoblastoma[:]

Coloboma is a condition where a gap occurs in the tissue that surrounds the eye. Coloboma is caused when the eyes do not form properly during pregnancy and can affect about one in every 10,000 births. This condition can affect one or both eyes. The gap can …