What Do Cloudy Eyes Mean?

Cloudy Eye Causes

Cloudy eyes refers to cloudy or opaqueness on the surface of the eye. If your child appears to have cloudy eyes, his or her vision may be impacted. Cloudy eyes are caused by a change in the lens of the eye, making the vision cloudy or blurry. Cloudy spots in the eye may grow and affect more of the vision over time, meaning that early detection is the best protection against blindness. Cloudy eyes are most often a symptom of cataracts or congenital cataracts in children.

How do Congenital Cataracts Differ from Cataracts?

There are different types of cataracts. Congenital cataracts, featured as Know The Glow’s ® “Glow of the Month” for December, are cataracts that are present from birth. Cataracts not present at birth can be diagnosed at any time and are often common in older adults, although they can be diagnosed in children, too. Cataracts that are present in children can be caused from a variety of things, including infection, trauma and certain medications. Approximately 3 in 10,000 children suffer from cataracts according to the American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.

Other Causes of Cloudy Eyes

Other causes of cloudy spots on the eye may include Retinoblastoma, along with other eye conditions, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Cloudy eyes and “the Glow” may also be confused with one another, as a cloudy surface of the eye and a white pupil can look similar. If you notice any cloudiness in your child’s eye or a white or gold pupil, contact your doctor for an examination.

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