Share the Love, Know “the Glow”!

know the glow valentines day

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Please watch for “the Glow”

It could be a clue!

Happy Valentine’s Day from Know The Glow! On this day dedicated to love, we can think of no better way to celebrate than encouraging you to share the love! Let your loved ones know about “the Glow,” the yellow-white reflection that can appear in a child’s pupil in flash photography. This can be a sign of over 20 different eye conditions and diseases.

Send this blog like a Valentine to your loved ones with these fast facts:

  • “The Glow” is a yellow-white reflection that can show up in photographs of a child’s pupils. Its medical name is “leukocoria.”
  • Somewhere in the world, a child goes blind every 60 seconds.
  • 80% of all childhood blindness is preventable.
  • Up to 1 in 80 children will show “the Glow” before age nine.
  • 80% of the time, a parent or family member is the first to identify “the Glow” in a child’s pupil.

These are four of the over 20 causes of “the Glow”:

  • Retinoblastoma: Cancer of the retina.
  • Ambylopia: Commonly referred to as “Lazy Eye”.
  • Coats’ Disease: Abnormal development of blood vessels behind the retina, which can leak fluid and ultimately cause retinal detachment
  • Coloboma: A problem with one of the internal or external structures of the eye.

Share, email, or link this article to a friend or loved one who needs to know about “the Glow!” Your Valentine’s Day gift this year could save their sight!

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