When kids say no to glasses—try these helpful tips

Toddlers and kids can rebel at the idea of wearing glasses, but it’s a serious concern for parents trying to ensure the best possible vision for their child. We’ve put together a few tips to help make the process a little easier.

  1. Talk to your child about the benefits of glasses. While you watch TV or read a picture book with your child, show them how much better the experience becomes with glasses. Explain that this also applies to when they want to see the chalkboard at school, play sports with their friends, or even read the menu at their favorite ice cream shop.

This rule applies to toddlers, too! Even babies can pick up on your tone and understand that wearing glasses is a good thing. If they don’t get it the first time, keep soothing and talking. It takes time.

  1. Kids can be part of the decision-making process. Kids can’t decide whether or not they have glasses, but their opinion still counts. Make shopping for glasses fun by letting your child select a pair of glasses in his or her favorite color. Pink, orange, blue—whichever color they choose will let your child know that they were part of the decision-making process, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

This is also an excellent time to make sure the glasses fit properly. Ask them how it feels. If they are uncomfortable, it’s hard to convince them that the glasses look cool. Glasses for kids should be made out of polycarbonate, a safe and light material.

  1. Superheroes wear glasses. Where would Clark Kent be without his horn-rimmed glasses? Supergirl also needs to wear glasses in her everyday life to protect her identity. Harry Potter is never without his pair of glasses. It’s all about marketing a product to your child. If their idols wear them, they will  too!

Remember that parents are heroes to their children. A young child wants to be just like dad or mom. In some cases, just saying, “Look, it’s just like Daddy’s glasses!” can be a game-changer!

  1. Remember that developing a habit takes time. Don’t beat yourself up, if your child continues to resist wearing glasses. It takes practice for kids to remember to wear their glasses and to keep them on during the day. It also takes practice to get used to the new normal of wearing glasses every day. Keep at it. Be firm with the message that glasses are going to make their daily life better.

Remember that eventually the hard work will pay off. Even the supposed failures and frustrating moments can be stepping stones to building habits towards the end goal of better vision for your child, or superhero, whichever one you prefer. Right now, it’s synonymous.

Just like hero is synonymous with mom and dad and caregiver. 


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