Liam Reid’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma When Liam Reid was just two years old his grandmother began noticing a strange “glow” in his eye.  This glow was only visible to her in certain lighting and certain angles.  However, she informed Liam’s mother, Staci of what she was noticing.  At …

Mikey’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Mikey’s story is a bit of a long one, and likely a bit unusual to most. Mikey is three years old and was diagnosed with retinoblastoma when he was two and a half. That is not really where his story starts though. It …

Evie’s Glow Story

In December of 2019, I first noticed what looked like a coating across my daughter Evie’s right eye. I only noticed this when I looked at her from the side angle in the sunlight. I mentioned what I was noticing to my husband who could …

Myla’s Glow Story

Diagnosis: Unilateral persistent fetal vasculature (PFV) Megan Webber had the chance to connect with Haley Hite, the amazing mother of two daughters, Maci and Myla. Haley shared the incredible journey in her home state of Ohio that led to Myla’s diagnosis. Megan marveled at how …

Lucas’s Glow Story

Know the Glow has recently had the honor of speaking with Kirsten Ramos. Kirsten shared her family’s journey to find the diagnosis for their infant son, Lucas. Back in May of 2022, Kirsten began noticing a strange glow in Lucas’ eye. The glow would become …

Nash’s Glow Story

It was October 2021, and Canada was in the middle of not only a pandemic but also ophthalmologists across Ontario had decided to go on strike. Baby Nash was only 5 months old when his parents began to notice his eye looked different. The only …

Sam’s Glow Story

Sam’s father, Charlie, was born with Retinoblastoma. Despite his mother’s concerns, it took five months until his doctors took her seriously and discovered he had this potentially fatal cancer. At the time of his diagnosis, Charlie was six months old and his tumor had advanced …

Debbie’s Glow Story

When Debbie Steed was just eight months old, her aunt noticed her eye appeared cloudy. She was not sure what it was, or even if it was normal but Debbie’s parents vigilantly took her to have her eyes examined. At eight months of age, the …

Hana’s Glow Story

Our daughter’s glow was noticed when she was five months old. We noticed it in person only when light hit her eye at a certain angle. We were then able to see it in pictures. We took her in to see her regular pediatrician who …