Meet Dr. Dan Alter

Megan Webber, Co-Founder of KnowTheGlow, and Helene Dameris, Global Outreach Director, had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Dan Alter, President of Focus Inc., facilitated through an introduction by Dr. Yamilee Chérubin, the only pediatric ophthalmologist in Haiti. In the world of vision care, there’s often a noticeable gap between those who have access to resources and those who don’t. While advanced treatments are flourishing in some places, many communities still struggle with providing even the most basic of eye care. Thankfully though, amidst this divide, there are individuals like Dr. Dan Alter, and organizations like Focus.  Their combined dedication to bridging this gap shines as a beacon of hope.

Focus has a rich history dating back to its inception in 1961 when it began its mission in Haiti. Started by three Chicago area doctors who dedicated their efforts to Haiti until the early 1970s before shifting their focus to Nigeria. In later years, Dr. Marilyn Miller played a pivotal role, leading Focus for two decades. Dr. Alter’s connection with Dr. Miller dates back to his residency and the intervening years between then and now have made an indelible imprint on him. When Focus was considering closing due to age-related challenges in its guiding board, Drs. Alter, Thompson, and Myers jumped in and revitalized the organization, taking over its operations in 2016. This transition provided the necessary nonprofit infrastructure for their charitable work, which often involves rapid intervention to address immediate needs in underserved communities. The addition of Paul Chan and Ana Bastos-Carvalho to the board brought further expertise and support to their initiatives, including curriculum development in Haiti.

Dr. Dan Alter isn’t just a specialist in retinal care in the suburbs of Chicago; he’s passionate about making a real difference. Megan learned of his journey, which is as much about empowering local communities as it is about providing medical care. At the core of Dr. Alter’s philosophy is a simple yet powerful belief: “Take small steps, but take action.” He believes in doing something now rather than waiting for perfect solutions later. This mindset is evident in his tireless efforts to improve eye care in underserved regions, especially in Haiti, Tanzania, and Jamaica.

Dr. Alter’s journey into global eye care began in 2014 when he partnered with Dr. Olivier, a Haitian American ophthalmologist.. Seeing the urgent need for specialized care in Haiti, Dr. Alter led the establishment of a retina surgery program, despite facing challenges like limited resources and infrastructure. Even with obstacles like natural disasters and political instability, his team’s commitment has never wavered.

A key part of Dr. Alter’s approach is empowering local talent. Through the organization Focus, Dan and his team provide training and support to local doctors, ensuring they have the skills to continue the mission long after foreign volunteers leave. This focus on sustainability has led to impressive results, with high rates of retention among local doctors. Progress isn’t always smooth sailing. Recent setbacks like the theft of equipment from a hospital in Haiti, remind Dr. Alter of the challenges ahead. However, he remains determined, finding innovative solutions and building partnerships to overcome obstacles.

Dr. Alter’s work isn’t limited to Haiti – it extends to places like Rwanda, Jamaica and Tanzania as well. In each location, the focus is on strengthening residency programs and providing essential equipment, like a fundus camera used in screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), a crucially needed intervention to prevent blindness in premature infants.

Looking ahead, Dr. Alter is hopeful about the role of innovation in advancing global eye care. While challenges remain, he envisions a future where technology, like telemedicine and artificial intelligence, complements hands-on training, making care accessible even in remote areas.

In many ways, Dr. Dan Alter embodies the compassion and determination that define global health. His journey is a testament to the power of individuals to make a difference, one step at a time. As we work towards a more equitable world, his example reminds us that no act of kindness, no matter the size, is ever wasted and that sometimes it’s the adventure itself that shows you the way and where you ultimately need to be.  We’re happy to know that Dr. Alter and his team are lighting candles along those life pathways to guide more doctors and especially more children to care in time.