Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma I was only 21 months old when my family was spending our last weekend of summer at our house in the Hamptons for Labor Day Weekend of 1997. Over that weekend my mom started to notice a silver flash in my right pupil. The …
Lucas’ Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma I had very worrying thoughts after noticing “the Glow” in my sons eye when taking a picture. I immediately thought my son had retinoblastoma. It didn’t matter how many times I took a picture, it would still be the same. After searching on google, …
Josie’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Superhero Josie says she loves her new eye—and we love the story of bravery that her new eye symbolizes! An annual wellness visit showed that four-year-old Josie had vision loss in one eye, and she was quickly diagnosed with Retinoblastoma. We are so proud …
Amber’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Amanda and Scott remember noticing a Glow ever so often in their daughter, Amber’s, right eye when she was as little as two weeks old. “The Glow” would appear much as a glow appears in a cat’s eye, a yellow-greenish iridescent glow within the …
Jacksen’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Amanda and her husband Jack welcomed their son into the world on in September of 2017. Jacksen was a perfectly healthy little boy and Amanda and Jack were happy to start their new family life together in their home of Kauai, Hawaii. Looking back, Amanda …
Gage’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Gage was diagnosed with retinoblastoma in May of 2015. He was two years old at the time when I noticed a weird glow in his right eye. I took him to the doctor’s office three days later and they didn’t know what it was, so they …
Braelyn’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma In March 2017, our world came crashing down when we were told our sweet 9-month-old daughter, Braelyn, was diagnosed with an eye cancer called retinoblastoma. We scheduled an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist after noticing that her eyes would shake when she tried to …
Cannon’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Cannon was born on October 1, 2012; perfect, healthy, and immediately spoiled by two older sisters. We did not notice anything unusual about him, nor detect anything off in pictures until January 2013. I noticed he did not track toys well and while I had “that” feeling …
Nolan Desmond’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Nolan was born in February 2016, a very smiley, active, and happy baby. However, when he was just a few months old, Nolan’s parents, Matt and Brittany, began to notice that his eyes would occasionally roll backwards. He would also cry out as if …
Jayden’s Glow Story
Diagnosis: Retinoblastoma Jayden’s mother, Kristen, says that he was a healthy and active toddler. However, from very early on she noticed a consistent glow in his right eye in the flash photos she took of him. She found the Glow strange but did not know that it could …