Know The Glow’s International Work

Countries with "Glow" families, doctors, or fans
Countries Know The Glow reached through ad campaigns
Countries Know The Glow will reach with upcoming campaigns

During the pandemic, KnowTheGlow (KTG) jumped in feet first launching targeted digital social media campaigns internationally, bringing its mission of building awareness to help in detecting early childhood blindness to countries around the world.

KTG conducts geo-targeted social media awareness campaigns in new countries every two months. These intensive eight-week initiatives have achieved remarkable reach, fostering strong engagement. Our local teams remain actively involved with KTG representatives and continue utilizing the translated, country-specific materials to sustain outreach and awareness efforts long after KTG's active campaign has transitioned to the next location.

Through our International Pages here on our website, we look forward to sharing patient family stories, doctor stories, and NGO updates throughout the years to come. Our International Pages will be permanent locations for country specific resources and information available for sharing or downloading to help to continue our mission of awareness worldwide.

Who Is Know The Glow?

What Is The Glow?

How To Spot The Glow

International Cancer Awareness

IAPB Announcement!

"Know The Glow was recently announced as the newest member of the IAPB. We are proud to be part of such an amazing organization and have already participated in their 2030 In Sight Conference! We look forward to working with the IAPB and to getting to know more of the members focused on childhood blindness prevention around the world."

Read More!

General International Resources


KTG Global Strategic Plan Overview

NGO Partnerships

Learn about organizations Know The Glow has proudly featured and their work to end childhood blindness!