Explore Know The Glow’s Global Outreach Efforts
Know The Glow® has been working to spread awareness for Leukocoria, or glowing eyes, for years, and now our message has spread around the world. We want to show you where and how Know the Glow is making a difference across the globe.

Family Outreach
Through its online communication channels, Know The Glow provides comfort and advice to families seeking treatment for glow-related diseases. Some of these children have been featured in our Glow Gallery, while others have been featured in news channels around the world. Know The Glow has connected with families throughout the United States, as well as in Australia, England, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand.
Parent Ambassadors
Many times, parents whose children have faced a glow-related disease want to get involved and help others Know The Glow. Beyond making friends and family aware, these parents have gone out into their communities to give presentations, start fundraisers, and build the online Know The Glow community. Know The Glow has parent ambassadors in Ireland, Italy, England, and Scotland.
Glow Doctors
Through years of directing families to seek treatment, Know The Glow has formed relationships with several doctors who specialize in treating glow related disease. Among them is Dr. Chien Wong in England. Dr. Wong serves in three of London’s leading hospitals and has given more than 80 conference presentations, instructed more than 20 surgical courses, and written more than 30 publications and 4 book chapters. We have also connected with doctors in Ireland who work to treat glow-related diseases and spread awareness for “The Glow.”
As you can see, we’ve extended our reach to all corners of the globe. But, so many more people are in need of hearing our message. Together we can continue to increase awareness worldwide by sharing stories and photos with the commitment to provide a brighter future for our children.