[INFOGRAPHIC] Shutterfly Children’s Photography Tips

Thanks to Shutterfly for sharing these great children’s photography tips. Review the infographic, and then snap some quick photos before they wiggle away. Remember … always review your children’s photos for a white or golden eye glow that could indicate one of 16 glow-related diseases.

Increasing Glow Detection through Childhood Vision Screening

Dr. Buffenn leads search for efficient childhood vision screening practices 1 in 4 children have an undiscovered vision problem; however, The Ohio State University College of Optometry estimates that only 14 percent of preschool children receive a comprehensive vision exam. This is especially concerning because …

4 Photo Review Tips: Detecting “The Glow”

Help children you love see more fluffy blue clouds this summer and for years to come. Leukocoria, or “The Glow,” is an abnormal red eye reflex common in several devastating childhood eye diseases that can lead to blindness. Nearly 1 in 80 children are at …

Reflective Ink Becomes “Glowing” Education Tool

Our friends at the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) in the U.K. created this touching poster campaign and video demonstrating “Glow” detection with your smartphone. “The Glow” (also known as cat’s-eye glow, white-eye glow, golden glow or white pupils) can be an indicator of 16 childhood eye …

The New KnowTheGlow.org

Celebrate with us The launch of the new Know The Glow® website provides a foundation to increase worldwide awareness of both glow-related diseases and the use of flash photography as a means of preventing childhood blindness. There is no group more motivated than parents in protecting …