EURBG – 10th Annual European Retinoblastoma Meeting Group

Helene Dameris, the Director of Global Outreach for KnowTheGlow, recently attended the EURBG conference held in Athens, Greece, marking a significant gathering of experts in ocular oncology as well as other multidisciplinary fields. The conference was organized by Dr. Maria Pekianakis, an ocular oncologist based in Athens, who is credited with bringing this renowned group of clinicians and ocular specialists together.

The conference was a joint event, combining the 1st Ocular Oncology Happy Hour Symposium with the 10th Annual European Retinoblastoma Meeting Group. It provided an exhilarating opportunity for Helene Dameris to personally meet many of the extraordinary doctors who she had previously only met via Zoom. Helene has developed strong relationships with numerous doctors and clinical researchers who were in attendance, while also establishing many wonderful new connections. The event brought together renowned ocular oncologists, ophthalmologists, radiologists, and clinical researchers specializing in retinoblastoma from the US, UK, and Europe.

The opening ceremonies for the Happy Hour symposium brought together the “Who’s Who” of the Athens medical community, including the Honorable Marios Themistokleous, the Greek Minister of Health, as well as support from the current President of the International Society of Ocular Oncology (ISOO), Dr. Dan Gombos, Director of Ocular Oncology at MD Anderson. Dr. Gombos expressed to the attendees the importance of patient access to care, preferably in their own country with localized specialists. Dr. Sofia Polychronopoulou, President of the Hellenic Society of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, echoed Dr. Gombos’ sentiments and embraced Dr. Pekianakis’ initiative to have a center for ocular intervention in the interests of the patients and their families, stressing that it isn’t just the child but their entire family that is impacted. KnowTheGlow’s Co-Founder, Megan Webber, gave a virtual address to the attendees and applauded the efforts focusing on early detection and accessible treatment for families in Greece.

The EURBG conference on Friday was opened by Dr. Guillermo Chantada, President of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), who urged everyone to attend in person or virtually to the SIOP conference in Hawaii in October, where the first day will be dedicated to Retinoblastoma. Dr. Pekianakis’ efforts ensured the successful assembly of a distinguished list of attendees, including Dr. Jesse Berry from the Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), who presented her work on aqueous liquid biopsy; Dr. Ashwin Reddy, the Lead Clinical Pediatric Ophthalmology and Retinoblastomas at the Royal London Hospital; and renowned Dr. David Abramson, the Director of Ocular Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Other notable specialists included Dr. Arun Singh, Director of the Cole Eye Institute at the Cleveland Clinic; Dr. Francis Munier and Dr. Christina Stathopoulos, Department of Ocular Oncology at Jules Gonin Eye Center; Dr. Manoj Parulekar from Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital; Dr. Jacob Pe’er, Head of Ocular Oncology at Hadassah University Hospital; Dr. Mandeep Sagoo, Director of Ocular Oncology Services at Moorfields Eye Hospital; and Dr. Vicki Dai, Director of the Goldschleger Eye Institute. Additionally, virtual lectures were delivered by Dr. Carol Shields of Wills Eye Institute; Dr. Did Fabian, Director of Ocular Oncology at Sheba Medical Center, who updated the attendees on the increase in retinoblastoma incidence across Europe (mainly fueled by survivorship of genetic RB); and Dr. Swathi Kaliki, Director of Ocular Oncology at LV Prasad Eye Institute.

The conference was a treasure trove of knowledge, with top eye specialists discussing cutting-edge treatments for retinoblastoma and other eye cancers. They covered various advanced techniques and screening protocols, including both physical and genetic testing. The opportunity to hear these experts speak on the latest advancements and their experiences in the field was immensely valuable. Cell-Free DNA blood testing was a hot topic and was presented as a way of looking for biological risk factors by Dr. Jasmine Francis of Memorial Sloan-Kettering, as well as by Dr. Paulina Bartoszek of Belgium, who presented on newborn genetic screening for RB in her Baby Detect study on neonatal genetic screening for RB. Dr. Bartoszek stressed the importance of obtaining an early diagnosis early as it is a “race against time.”

Dr. Jesse Berry from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) presented groundbreaking research on using aqueous humor as a liquid biopsy for retinoblastoma, aiming to improve diagnosis and prognosis through molecular insights. Her work, supported by a network of 18 global centers collaborating with CHLA, focuses on identifying new markers to enhance pediatric care.  During the conference, Dr. Berry discussed plans to broaden these collaborations to European centers treating retinoblastoma, with upcoming initiatives in the pan-Asian region scheduled for December. This international effort highlights the EURBG conference’s role in fostering global partnerships to advance ocular oncology research and treatment.

Helen Dimaras, from the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto, gave an impassioned overview of her pilot study on the psychosocial support needed for RB survivors and their caregivers which resonated with many at the conference.  Family support groups were also well represented at the conference. Groups like FLOGA and Karkinaki from Greece, along with KnowTheGlow partners Retinostop and Fundació La Nineta dels Ulls, played a crucial role. Notably, Gemma Melissa and Charlotte Clifton, a Play Specialist and Pediatric Nurse from the Royal London Hospital’s children’s eye cancer unit, contributed significantly to the discussions on family support in the context of eye cancer treatment and ensuring that pediatric patients are prepared emotionally for the road ahead of them.

In addition to the scientific sessions, the conference offered several networking opportunities and social events, facilitating interaction between colleagues, friends, sponsors, and exhibitors. Exceptional dinners and a tour of the Acropolis Museum provided a fantastic environment to build connections and exchange ideas with fellow professionals dedicated to ocular oncology in a relaxed and festive setting.

Overall, the EURBG conference in Athens was a remarkable event, combining expert knowledge sharing opportunities for meaningful networking, all set against the backdrop of the historic and beautiful city of Athens. This enriching experience will undoubtedly contribute significantly to the ongoing efforts in the field of ocular oncology and retinoblastoma research and treatment. Helene Dameris’ participation on behalf of KnowTheGlow underscored the importance of collaboration and continued learning in the fight against these devastating eye conditions.