Miembros de la Junta Consultiva Médica
Know The Glow agradece el apoyo y los consejos constantes de estos destacados médicos, cirujanos y científicos. Su experiencia sincera y sus ideas únicas ayudan a impulsar nuestra misión cada día, salvando la vista de los niños aquí en California y en todo el mundo. Sus valiosos puntos de vista aparecen a menudo en nuestro blog, sitio web y redes sociales, manteniéndonos informados de los últimos avances científicos en la investigación y el tratamiento de las enfermedades oculares.
Jesse Berry, M.D.
El Dr. Berry es profesor adjunto de oftalmología clínica y director adjunto de oncología ocular en el USC Eye Institute de la Universidad del Sur de California y el Children's Hospital de Los Ángeles. Además, el Dr. Berry es Director Asociado del Programa de Residencia de Oftalmología del Condado de Los Ángeles + Universidad del Sur de California (LAC+USC). La Dra. Berry está especializada en oncología ocular y tiene experiencia quirúrgica en cataratas y oftalmología integral. También es la fundadora de WOO, Women in Ocular Oncology, y es miembro de la Society of Heed Fellows. La Dra. Berry se licenció en medicina y se graduó en la Universidad de Harvard, en Massachusetts.
Ashwin Mallipatna, M.D.
Dr. Ashwin Mallipatna is a Pediatric Ophthalmologist and the Head of the Retinoblastoma Program at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. Before this, he set up and led a retinoblastoma center in South India. In achieving the goal of providing the best evidence-based standard of care to the resource-limited families in India, his friends formed an NGO called Iksha Foundation in India, which facilitates financial help for the treatment and support of children with retinoblastoma in many Indian cities.
Dr Mallipatna has significant academic achievements, including leading the work involved in staging retinoblastoma for the American Joint Committee on Cancer (8th Edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual), which impacts retinoblastoma management worldwide. In addition, he has a keen interest in the intricacies of red-reflexes and leukocoria. With the support of a Thrashers Research Early Career Grant Award, he led work that would promote the early detection of leukocoria using a camera flash. He collaborated with researchers from Université de Montréal, the University of Toronto and the University of Adelaide. This work attracted recognition from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Young Innovators Award in India (INDIA TR35 Young Innovators Award).
Francis Munier, M.D.
After medical studies and residency in Lausanne, Francis Munier obtained board certification in both Ophthalmology and Medical Genetics. From 1991 to 1993, he received additional training in Molecular Genetics and Pediatric Oculo-Oncology at Children’s Hospital Los-Angeles under the guidance of A. Linn Murphree. Back in Lausanne he joined the Retinoblastoma Clinic at Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital and founded the first Swiss Oculo-Genetics Unit.
The management of retinoblastoma remained a major focus of his clinical activity, his team contributed to significant landmark advances, pushing the frontiers of conservative management, notably by introducing techniques for intravitreal and intracameral chemotherapy.
In 2015, he was appointed Full Professor and Head of Ocular Oncology, Pathology & Genetics at Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital. He was elected honorary secretary of ISOO in 2017 and president of ISGEDR in 2019. Today the Lausanne Retinoblastoma Clinic has become a quaternary reference center, recruiting 50-60 new patients yearly from 72 nations. He delivered more than 250 invited lectures and is the author or co-author of some 300 peer-reviewed papers and 34 book chapters (h-index=51).
Bryan F. Shaw, Ph.D.
El Dr. Shaw es profesor de química en la Universidad de Baylor. El hijo mayor de Bryan, Noah, es un superviviente de un retinoblastoma bilateral. La experiencia de Noah inspiró a Bryan y a sus colegas de Baylor a crear la aplicación gratuita para smartphones CRADLE (abreviatura de: ComputeR Assisted Detector of LEukocoria). También conocida como "El Detector de Ojos Blancos", CRADLE permite a los padres y a los médicos examinar a los niños en busca de leucocoria utilizando un teléfono móvil. CRADLE se ha utilizado en todo el mundo -desde grandes ciudades de Alemania hasta pequeñas aldeas de Guatemala- para iniciar el diagnóstico de retinoblastoma, enfermedad de Coats, cataratas, capa de fibras nerviosas de la retina y errores de refracción. CRADLE ayuda a los padres a conocer ¡El resplandor!
Carol L. Shields, M.D.
Dr. Carol Shields completed her residency in ophthalmology at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia in 1987 and subsequently did fellowship training in ocular oncology, oculoplastic surgery, and ophthalmic pathology. She is currently Director of the Oncology Service, Wills Eye Hospital, and Professor of Ophthalmology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.
She has authored or coauthored 11 textbooks, 323 chapters in edited textbooks, over 1700 articles in major peer-reviewed journals, given over 850 lectureships, and has received numerous professional awards. The 9 most prestigious awards include:
- The Byron Kanaley Award (1979) given to the top student-athlete at the University of Notre Dame. She was the first woman to receive this award.
- The Donders Award (2003) given by the Netherlands Ophthalmological Society every 5 years to an ophthalmologist worldwide who has contributed extensively to the field of ophthalmology. She was the first woman ever to receive this award.
- Honorary Doctorate of Science Degree from the University of Notre Dame (2005) and the Catholic University (2011) bestowed at the graduation ceremonies from each University. She was the first woman graduate of Notre Dame to receive this award.
- The American Academy of Ophthalmology Life Achievement Honor Award (2011) for significant contributions to the field of ophthalmology.
- Induction into the Academic All-American Hall of Fame (2011) for lifetime success in athleticism and career.
- President of the International Society of Ocular Oncology (2013-2015) – This is the largest international society of clinicians and basic scientists interested in ocular tumors. She was the first elected President of this society.
- President of the Macula Society (2020) – This is the leading society for retina and vitreous doctors in the world. She served as Treasurer (2017), Secretary (2018), Vice President (2019), and President (2020).
- Ophthalmology Power List - Nominated by peers as one of the top 100 leaders in the field of ophthalmology and published in the journal, The Ophthalmologist. There have only been 5“Top 100” power lists in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021 and she was on all four. In 2020, Dr. Carol Shields was listed at #1 in the Ophthalmology Power List.
- The J. Donald M. Gass Lecture of the Retina Society (2019).
Dr. Carol Shields is a member of numerous ocular oncology, pathology, and retina societies and has delivered 57 named lectures in America and abroad. She has been active in the American Academy of Ophthalmology. She serves on the editorial/advisory board of 31 journals including JAMA Ophthalmology, Retina, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and International Journal of Clinical Oncology.
She practices Ocular Oncology on a full time basis with on the Oncology Service at Wills Eye Hospital. Each year the Oncology Service manages approximately 500 patients with uveal melanoma, 120 patients with retinoblastoma, and numerous other intraocular, orbital, and adnexal tumors from the United States and abroad. She and her husband Jerry are the parents of 7 children, ranging in age from 21 to 33 years.
Paul T. Urrea, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.
El Dr. Urrea es un cirujano oftalmológico certificado que ejerce en Los Ángeles, California. Recibió su educación universitaria en la Universidad de Yale, obteniendo una licenciatura en Biofísica Molecular y Bioquímica. Luego obtuvo su título de médico en la Facultad de Medicina de la UCLA, y una maestría en Planificación y Análisis de Políticas de Salud en la Facultad de Salud Pública de la UCLA.El Dr. Urrea hizo sus prácticas médicas en el Hospital General del Condado de Los Ángeles, y recibió formación especializada en oftalmología en el Instituto Oftalmológico Doheny y en el Centro Médico del Condado de Los Ángeles-Universidad del Sur de California. El Dr. Urrea volvió a la UCLA para recibir formación adicional de subespecialidad en Oftalmología Pediátrica y Estrabismo en el Instituto Oftalmológico Jules Stein.
El Dr. Urrea es Director Médico del Grupo Médico de Cirujanos Oculares de Soledad en Los Ángeles. Además de proporcionar atención médica a sus pacientes privados, el Dr. Urrea sirve en la facultad académica del Departamento de Oftalmología de la Escuela Keck de Medicina de la USC, donde se desempeña como Profesor Clínico Asociado. El Dr. Urrea es un Diplomado de la Junta Americana de Oftalmologia, y es un medico de asistencia en varios hospitales locales, incluyendo el Hospital Monterey Park y el Centro Medico White Memorial. El Dr. Urrea ha sido coautor de numerosos artículos clínicos y capítulos de libros en la literatura médica y, como miembro de la facultad de medicina, supervisa a los jóvenes médicos en su formación quirúrgica, así como da conferencias a los médicos en ejercicio sobre el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades oculares.
El Dr. Urrea es miembro del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos y ha sido designado como "Top Doctor" por sus colegas médicos en la "Guía de los Mejores Médicos" que enumera los médicos mejor calificados en las áreas metropolitanas más grandes de Estados Unidos. El Dr. Urrea también ha sido seleccionado como uno de los "Mejores Oftalmólogos de América" por el Consejo de Investigación del Consumidor de América. El Dr. Urrea es miembro de la junta directiva de varias organizaciones comunitarias y profesionales, incluyendo Medical Eye Services, Eye Care Network, Advanced Diagnostic and Surgical Center, Doheny Professional Staff Association, Family Health Alliance Medical Group, y es ex presidente de Legatus Pasadena, y la California Latino Medical Association. Nacido y criado en el barrio de Boyle Heights de Los Ángeles, el Dr. Urrea reside ahora con su mujer y sus cinco hijos en Arcadia, California.
Chien Wong, M.D.
El Dr. Wong es oftalmólogo consultor y cirujano vitreorretiniano en el Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH), el Moorfields Eye Hospital y el Royal Free Hospital de Londres (Reino Unido). Con una superespecialización en cirugía vitreorretiniana pediátrica compleja y enfermedades retinovasculares, introdujo procedimientos quirúrgicos novedosos que convirtieron al GOSH en el centro quirúrgico de facto del Reino Unido para pacientes con esta enfermedad. Fuera del Reino Unido, colabora estrechamente con el Proyecto de Atención Ocular de Armenia y está afiliado al Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, al Moorfields Eye Hospital y al Royal Free Hospital.Yogita L. Rajgandhi
Yogita L. Rajgandhi, a distinguished optometrist and low-vision specialist, has significantly impacted eye care and community service across India. Her contributions have been transformative, from educational workshops to innovative technology initiatives and community programs; the contributions of esteemed optometrist Yogita L. Rajgandhi are boundless.
Leading low-vision rehabilitation workshops, Yogita teaches students and participants about the causes of low vision, debunks myths, and explores rehabilitation techniques. Working with schools throughout the community, she has been honored for her contributions and dedication emphasizing holistic development through collaboration between students and teachers.
Providing valuable insights into low vision management, including causes, rehabilitation methods, and device use, the interactive nature of Yogita’s workshops allow for in-depth discussions and case studies. Yogita Rajgandhi has been honored for her dedication to eye health education and her unwavering commitment to serving the community.
Yogita's impactful work exemplifies her dedication to advancing eye care and education. Her efforts enhance the quality of life for individuals with visual impairments and inspire a collective spirit of collaboration and service, making her a true visionary in her field. We are honored at KnowTheGlow to have her joining our Medical Advisory Board.