Grace joined Know the Glow in September 2023 after meeting with Megan Webber at ISOO AFRICA 2023 Conference in Kenya after learning of the great work KTG is doing to create awareness and prevent blindness. Grace is the mother to Christian who after she noticed a white glow in her son’s left eye in 2013. After consulting the doctor, a retinoblastoma diagnosis was made and a journey of RB treatment began including enucleation,chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The treatment took a toll on her psychological health and after receiving the help she needed, she then promised to be there for others going through cancer treatment.
Grace lives in Kenya,Kiambu County with her loving family who were her greatest source of strength during her son’s tough treatment journey. She is a registered nurse by profession, who enjoys helping her patients and is passionate about being there for families fighting childhood cancers, sharing stories, information and advice as a way of offering psychological support during and after treatment. Grace formed Victorious Children Cancer Support CBO where parents and caregivers of children diagnosed with various cancers connect via WhatsApp and share their experiences, encouraging newly diagnosed parents through testimonials of families that have fought cancer and are now living healthy and happy lives.