Nasa prica je pocela sasvim slucajno, u 03. mjesecu 2022. nas mlađi sin je ozlijedio oko u igri. Kad se smirio htjela sam ga potaknuti da otvori oko pa sam rekla Tamari da mu pokaze kako jedno oko zatvori, a na drugo gleda i da mi kaze koliko prstiju vidi. Tamara je zatvorila lijevo oko i kroz smijeh rekla da na desno oko ne vidi nista. Mislili smo da se sali i rekli smo da gleda na lijevo pa onda na desno, ali je opet rekla isto. I tu je sve pocelo, priča nam mama Matea.
Tamara je odmah odvedena u bolnicu na pregled. Nakon dva sata raznih pregleda, uzv-a, a gledala su je dva profesora i jedan lijecnik, jedino sto su mami Matei mogli reci jest da nije tumor i da se situacija ne moze popraviti operacijom. Obitelj je upučena u bolnicu Rebro gdje ih je primio dr.Vukojevic, a naručili su se i na dodatni privatan pregled. Oba liječnika koja su pregledali Tamaru složili su se da se radi o Coatsu.
Konacna dijagnoza nakon nekoliko pregleda i MR je visoka ablacija mreznice uz odizanje retine u donjim kvadrantima, vidljive konvolute krvnih zila. Prema misljenju lijecnika Tamara je pocela gubiti vid vec sa 5-6 mjeseci zivota, to je islo postupno stoga nije mogla ni reci da ne vidi jer je njoj to bilo normalno.
Tamara je jako aktivno dijete, spretna, okretna, svjesna prostora i predmeta oko sebe. Nikad nije imala probleme koji bi upucivali na gubitak vida, nikad se nije spoticala, udarala u predmete i slicno.
Jedino cega se mama Matea može sjetiti, je da su joj oci, posebice desno, ponekad suzile ali to su pripisivali vjetru, suncu jer Tamara ima izrazito plave oci.
Izuzev toga, Tamara nema bolove niti ikakave tegobe s okom i obitelj se nada da će tako biti što duze.
Tamaru uskoro očekuje operacija desnog oka, koja bi trebala biti ovog mjeseca u bolnici sv.Duh u Zagrebu. Od Tamarinog vida ne očekuju nista, s tim se obitelj odmah pomirila, nakon postavljene dijagnoze Coatsa. Ono sto je cilj operacije/operacija koje slijede je odlaganje enukleacije sto je duže moguce.
Tamara je sada jedna tipična aktivna i vesela 6-godišnja djevojčica, a mi joj želimo uspješnu operaciju i što brži oporavak.
Our story started by accident. In March 2022, our younger son injured his eye in a game. When he calmed down, I wanted to encourage him to open his eyes, so I told Tamara to show him how to close one eye and look at the other and tell me how many fingers she can see. Tamara closed her left eye and laughingly said that she couldn’t see anything in her right eye. We thought she was joking and told her to look to the left and then to the right, but she said the same thing again. And that’s where it all started, Mama Matea tells us.
Tamara was immediately taken to the hospital for examination. After two hours of various examinations, x-rays, and she was looked at by two professors and a doctor, the only thing they could tell mama Matea was that it is not a tumor and that the situation could not be improved by surgery. The family was sent to the Rebro hospital, where they were received by Dr. Vukojevic, and they also went an additional private examination. Both doctors who examined Tamara agreed that it was Coats.
The final diagnosis after several examinations and MRI is high retinal ablation with lifting of the retina in the lower quadrants, visible convolutions of blood vessels. According to the doctor’s opinion, Tamara started to lose her sight when she was 5-6 months old, it happened gradually, so she couldn’t even say that she couldn’t see because it was normal for her.
Tamara is a very active child, dexterous, agile, aware of the space and objects around her. She never had any problems that would indicate a loss of vision, she never tripped, hit objects.
The only thing Tamara’s mother can remember is that her eyes, especially the right, sometimes narrowed, but they attributed that to the wind and the sun because Tamara has extremely blue eyes.
Apart from that, Tamara has no pain or any problems with her eye and the family hopes that it will be like this for as long as possible.
Tamara will soon have an operation on her right eye, which should take place this month at St. Duh Hospital in Zagreb. They don’t expect anything from Tamara’s vision, the family immediately reconciled with that, after the diagnosis of Coats. The goal of the operation/operations that follow is to delay the enucleation as long as possible.
Tamara is now a typical active and cheerful 6-year-old girl, and we wish her a successful operation and a speedy recovery.