Mrs. Sunshine: A Standout Monocular Vision Advocate who refuses to Blend In. 

Mrs. Sunshine’s popularity on social media is a testament to her unwavering spirit and dedication to living life to the fullest. Through her content about her monocular vision, prosthetic eye, education, and fitness journey, she has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for people worldwide. Her positive energy and uplifting personality have earned her a dedicated following, and her message of perseverance and self-love resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds. As she continues to share her story with the world, one thing is sure – Mrs. Sunshine is a force to be reckoned with, and her impact on the world is only beginning.

Mrs. Sunshine’s journey began after an unexpected mishap caused her to lose her eye at the age of five.  Living in southern California she was treated at Jules Stein and ultimately had to endure 12 surgeries over two years in order to try to save her eye.  At the age of seven, she was fitted with a scleral shell, a prosthetic device that fits over the eye to give the appearance of a natural eye. As Mrs. Sunshine explains, it’s similar to an oversized, thick, contact lens that’s fitted over what she calls her “little ghost eye.” This term seems to hold a special meaning for her, as it represents the presence of something that may be hidden but still exists. Mrs. Sunshine proudly shares about her “little eye” on her social media accounts, an important part of her advocacy. She wants to show the world that physical differences make individuals unique, and they should be a source of pride. This strong sense of self evolved from a foundation rooted in love, and she credits her self-love and strength to the women in her life who set an example of resilience and perseverance.

Mrs. Sunshine’s mother was her biggest supporter and advocate during her journey. Her grandmother was also instrumental in getting her through those challenging years after losing function of her left eye. They fueled her with love, support, and strength during her accident and the following surgeries. They taught her to be strong and confident and to never feel ashamed of her eye. Before Obama Care, prosthetic eyes and scleral shells were not covered by insurance and were considered cosmetic procedures. Mrs. Sunshine’s mother created a non-profit foundation to help fund the cost of prosthetic eyes, their upkeep, and daily maintenance. As Mrs. Sunshine explained, the foundation was a testament to her mother’s belief that fate is what you make of it and that taking negative circumstances and turning them into positives defines the life you will make. This belief has influenced Mrs. Sunshine’s perspective on challenges and laid the foundation for the path she is currently on spreading her message of self-love and acceptance.

Sunshine’s current path was also strongly influenced by a few defining moments she had when she was seven years old. The first was when her mother threw her a huge party full of friends and family to celebrate her getting her very first scleral shell. This showed Sunshine that she can celebrate what makes her different, and that her scleral shell was nothing to hide or be ashamed of. The second happened when she repeated the 1st grade. Her new teacher was a vibrant educator who loved teaching and had something very special in common with Sunshine. Mrs. Richmond had a prosthetic eye as well. She was a huge inspiration for Sunshine and helped her feel more “normal” when often she felt alone and as though there was no one like her. Sunshine never forgot how these monumental events impacted her journey. 

As she grew up, Sunshine began to realize the importance of having a community with others who have monocular vision and prosthetic eyes. Sunshine knew she had to share her own story with the public. 

Just two years ago, while in her early twenties and with that mission in mind, Mrs. Sunshine created heymissteacher. Now, with hundreds of thousands of followers on her social media channels, she inspires others to embrace their differences and to never let their circumstances define them. Along the way, she found Rachel McKenzie, a social media star and prosthetic eye advocate. They became friends and Rachel introduced her to Christina King, the ocularist behind so many stunning custom prosthetic eyes. In her collaboration with Christina,  Mrs. Sunshine showcases the various Fun Eyes that Christina has made for her. These Fun Eyes come in different colors, images, and symbols and are beautifully crafted works of art. She takes pride in showing them off as she believes the essential objective is to inform the public and encourage people with monocular vision to embrace their uniqueness. Her message is simple, “You are not alone, and why blend in when you can stand out.” As she continues to grow her platform, it’s clear that Mrs. Sunshine will remain a powerful force for positivity and change.

Through her social media journey, she has created a strong following from all types of people, particularly those with monocular vision. She has become an active member of a community called the #OneEyedGang. She recently attended an event called Right between the Eyes, organized by Rachel McKenzie and hosted by Christina King, for individuals with monocular vision to connect and share their experiences and challenges. As someone who values community and understands its importance, this event held special significance for her. She believes that collaborating with people who are like her is creating a new path for the next generation. It is what fuels her, knowing that her content is opening doors for acceptance, inclusion and awareness to break down barriers and bring about change. 

Motivated to pursue teaching as a career in the classroom as well, Mrs. Sunshine is a special education teacher who also utilizes her platform to inspire others to share her passion for education. She provides tips and tricks to keep students engaged and inspired. She hopes to use her platform to also share that teachers are allowed to be real people with real additional interests outside of their work. 

So what is next for Mrs. Sunshine? She speaks positively about wanting to continue supporting the monocular community and about educating the public regarding prosthetic eyes. Her message is simple, yet powerful – that our scars and imperfections make us unique and beautiful. Mrs. Sunshine’s journey has taught her that life is not about what happens to us, but how we respond to it. This attitude has made her the shining example of strength and resilience that she is today—a true ray of Sunshine. 

Recap Below – this is what we could use for our social media shares? 

Mrs. Sunshine, a social media influencer and teacher, is making waves with her positive message of hope and optimism. Despite losing her eye at the age of 5, Mrs. Sunshine has embraced her journey with monocular vision and uses her platform to educate others about prosthetic eyes and the beauty of our differences. Her passion for education shines through in her videos, inspiring young people to pursue their dreams and to never give up. She is a true inspiration and a true ray of Sunshine.